
Month: November 2021


After listening to Mo Amir’s podcast, I think he is a person who uses Internet resources wisely. He always keeps his mind true to himself. He is independent in his thinking and is not overly influenced by the audiences. This is his personal characteristic, and the second is that he also builds connections with his peers and promotes his podcasts on the platform. He was very prescient, running a PLN is not easy, and how to create a successful PLN takes a lot of effort.

As a young person, I can feel directly how PLN helps me to develop quickly. The pictures and videos I take casually and put on the network, together with a few popular tags, and it can attract tens of thousands of people to browse. Even if it is not easy to get likes and comments, at least it gets seen. As a result, your work will make an impression on others, and frequent presence will help people deepen their impact. When your PLN gets noticed, your career opportunity will come. A good PLN can generate a lot of business value, especially if you are running something that you are interested in and want to keep growing. In addition to familiar social media, LinkedIn is also a great career development PLN for most people. Especially in the above can fully display their resume, be seen by more peers, and many companies or teams can dig talent.

I think PLN is definitely a useful tool and a good platform for future work selection and development of my interest areas. I can ask questions or offer help to others, and show my skills. But the most important thing is to keep it real as Mo Amir try to tell us, this is a must for PLN. If their PLN output false content, so soon will be found by others, not conducive to their credit establishment. Considering the epidemic situation, and I have great ideas about developing my career in PLN, I love using the Internet to show my value, which is relatively safe and stable. So I think this is a good choice for my career.


Miller, J. (2021). EDCI PODCAST-2021-10-24 Mo Amir. YouTube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgoDet6pwaI


What is media literacy?

According to Trilling and Fadel’s article, “Media literacy in this context refers to the medium of delivering messages (print, graphics, animation, audio, video, Web sites, and so on), the crafting of the message for a particular medium”. In popular terms, it refers to a person’s attitude and ability to understand, judge and use the media. It also refers to people’s ability to choose, understand, question, evaluate, create, produce and respond critically when facing various media information. To put it simply, when we see a piece of news, we will consciously add our own opinions or criticisms, as well as our own doubts, which is the embodiment of our own media literacy.

Why is it important?

With the development of The Times, the connotation of media literacy is also extended, which includes people’s ability to make rational use of media to disseminate information for personal and social development. As the “natives” of the internet, we have grown up with the Internet. But to be a qualified netizen, we still need to keep learning and improving ourselves. First of all, we should try to be an wise person. After the rise of network media, information release has become no threshold, and dissemination is extremely fast. In many cases, “the truth is still putting on its shoes and the lies are all over town”.

Why is it dismissed?

“Sometimes we tend to be more interested in what we believe than what is true”(Smith, 2021). In today’s society, social media gives everyone the right to express themselves, but many people don’t take the responsibility to express themselves well. Sometimes, the public mood will be incited and guided by the unscrupulous media, people in the mass anger into the collective unconscious, lost rational thinking and judgment between the words, only blind emotional catharsis. It just shows that these people have not received a complete media literacy education and have not exercised their critical thinking. They just stick to their own ideas and have not learned to view media information in a fair way.

Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?

Modern network media will use big data to analyze users’ interests and push targeted information, so we are increasingly surrounded by all kinds of deliberately “feeding” information. This phenomenon can be described figuratively as an “information cocoon house” — people weave information based on their interests and end up weaving themselves into a “cocoon house”. Confined to the “information cocoon house” of biased thinking, how to make correct judgment and decision?

If we want to get out of this dilemma, we need to break through our prejudices and broaden our horizons to view the world and access information with a more open and inclusive mind. We should patiently listen to opinions and opinions that are different from our own, and try to understand some unfamiliar areas of knowledge. Life is not a single choice question, we can not limit ourselves in a well, a cocoon. Only by breaking out of the “information cocoon”, and the world will be more inclusive and diverse.


Miller, J. (2021). EDCI 338-MEDIA LITERACY with JULIE SMITH. YouTube. Retrieved from: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=57r3-aEnci0&feature=youtu.be

Trilling, B, & Fadel, C. (2012). Digital Literacy Skills. Retrieved from: https://learning-oreilly-com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/library/view/21st-century-skills/9780470475386/fade_9780470475386_oeb_c04_r1.html#h3


Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity.

After watching Brad Baker’s video, I quite agree with his positive views on PLN. First, he said PLN can contribute to the well-being of individuals and society, the second is not only allows one voice in PLN or anyone can have a consistent view. Because behind the platform, every speech has its own culture or background, it is these different, can promote an interesting PLN formation. Instead of agreeing with everyone at PLN, people can use their real ideas to create an open environment where everyone’s voice can be heard.

What social media platforms are beneficial in education?

English is not my first language, when I started to learn English, I found a website called TED. If one wants to practice listening and writing, then TED is excellent material. TED is about sharing ideas, making a clear argument, stating and proving it in a given amount of time. TED is a non-profit organization committed to “spreading all ideas worth spreading”. Every year, it invites elites in technology, education, design, psychology and other fields to give lectures and exchange ideas. Tens of millions of people around the world watch TED talks through the Internet and get inspired by their thinking here. I learned a lot from it, not only training my language ability.

In addition, I also enjoyed using WordPress to communicate with my classmates in EDCI338. Writing a blog is a good way to express my own ideas and attitudes. At the same time, I can read other students’ blogs and learn their opinions. This is a great platform for mutual growth.

Consider the equality that exists when all have the same platform to engage in community dialogues.

When we can use the same platform, it means we have the same chance to get information and leave our own comments on it. For many people who find it difficult to communicate face to face, the Internet can express themselves easily and freely. Everyone’s voice can be heard, and will not reject your voice because of your gender or race, which is a benefit that the Internet brings to everyone.


Miller. (2021). Brad Baker EDCI 338. YouTube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5z8iHxW2n4


What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

The diverse PLN has become such a part of our lives that, at this point, we can’t even imagine a world without different social media channels. Those PLN has provided us with many great opportunities. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok have given us opportunities to show ourselves, skills and areas of competence. In short, it is easier now to brand ourselves and promote what we do. If this opportunity is well used, we have more opportunities to be seen by future employers and promote what we create (e.g. art, writing, photography, music, etc.). At the same time, we can share our success stories or life stories and ask questions of people from all over the world. When we need help, we can use tag to spread and raise awareness. Especially in the last two years of the global pandemic, we are relying more on PLN to share content and solve problems, and people are discovering more possibilities for success.

As a young political activist, Markiel Simpson knew how to use the diverse PLN to create positive influence for his race and election. For example, he used the hashtag #StrongerTogether to make his tweets more likely to be found by people with similar experiences or interests. And I appreciate his service to his race. When he is a black candidate, it means he has a certain political influence, and he has always stayed true to his original aspiration to fight for more opportunities for his race and to eliminate racial discrimination in the world. At the same time, I can feel his positive and optimistic from his interview, and I can see that he has a lot of hopes for PLN. Because he can share his story at PLN, campaign for his election, and gain approval by spreading positive values. Finally, his words and experience can inspire or help others.

Miller, J. (2021). EDCI-338 MARKIEL SIMPSON. YouTube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsoDHGaXNNs

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